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Inspiring Stories

I give back because others have given forward to me...

Tom Serwatka started his master's program at Kent State during the summer of 1970, a time of great social change. As a result, he says...

Legacies Change Lives

Second year graduate student Tricia Reed typically works 20 to 30 hours per week while also working on her M.Ed/Ed.S. in school psychology...

Rebecca Herr, '71, and Husband, Eric, Founded and Endowed the Undergraduate Nursing Study Abroad Fund

"Although they can't be an expert at everything, they need to remain curious." That is Rebecca Herr's advice for students, and...

Couple's Scholarship Benefits Students Studying in Two Different Programs

Joe, B.S.B.A '59, M.B.A. '65 and Judy, '60, Tirpak are proud Kent State University alumni. "We met and became engaged while at...

Jack and Dora Tippens Give Back

Jack and Dora enhance opportunities for Kent State students while cutting down on IRA tax burden.

Small Steps Add Up to Big Impact

A faculty member at Kent State since 1995, David Kessler has had an insider's perspective on the unique needs of the university for many years.

A Quiet Life, Accentuated by a Passion for Education

Phil and Mary Lou Herbert were like many couples who grew up in Ashtabula after World War II. They met in high school, got married after...

Nancy Baird is "All In" at WKSU

Nancy Baird is probably one of the most enthusiastic supporters and believers in public radio you'll ever meet.

Legacies Change Lives

Sarah Mull loves animals. She's a zoology major, and her dream has always been to become a veterinarian.

A Fast Friendship Takes Flight

Mac McFarland and his son, David, formed a bond over aviation and service. Years later, that bond is honored by a scholarship endowed to honor David and make an impact for students.

Legacies Change Lives

Even though he passed away in 2011, Brittany Caldwell, a sophomore at the East Liverpool campus, feels like she knows Gus Markanton well.

His Charitable Trust Gifts the MPA Program

When Jim Tinnin came to Kent State in 1978 from Michigan, he only planned to be here for two years to complete a federal grant project.

Her Gifts Keep the Music Coming at WKSU

Lovers of classical music and all other things NPR will find a friend in Sandie Kramer.

A Heart for First-Generation Students

Rick and Janis Krumel remember well what it was like to be the first in their families to attend college. Jan's hard-working parents paid for most of her education.

Why we're leaving a legacy: Andy, '73, and Micheal, '72 Sonderman

Andy and Micheal Sonderman have fond memories of their time as students at both the Trumbull and Kent campuses.

Why I'm leaving a legacy: Marilyn Seifert Flower, B.S. '61, M.E. '86

Marilyn Flower and her late husband, Don, were passionate supporters of the men's basketball and wrestling programs at Kent State, and Marilyn loves Porthouse Theater as well.

Why I'm Leaving A Legacy: Patricia Grutzmacher, '85

Patricia Grutzmacher, '85, professor emerita of music education, remembers that as a student it was important for her to have time to study, reflect, philosophize and actually learn.

Why I'm Leaving A Legacy: Randall Keller, '08

What's your motivation to give back? Randall Keller, '08, feels Kent State is a vital part of Northeast Ohio, and has chosen to boost its regional impact through his estate plan.

Ed and Peg Hall—All Roads Lead to A Giving Legacy

Ed Hall and his wife, Peg, have funded a gift annuity which will benefit the Map Library in the Kent State University Libraries.

David and Patricia Grutzmacher Keep the Giving Circle Growing

If you've ever been a "band nerd," you have a lot in common with David and Pat Grutzmacher.

WKSU Legacy Gift Keeps Window on the World Open

The fact that Richard III's remains were recently found in England would have been a complete delight to Sondra Constant.

Martin and Susan Goetz

Keeping the Beacon Shining for Students

Bill and Margaret Clark — Creating an Educational Legacy

Growing up together in the small town of Mesopotamia, Ohio, Bill Clark and Margaret Reynolds appreciated the benefits of country living.

Why I made a Bequest to Kent State

By: Charles Harker, emeritus professor Architecture
Prior to coming to Kent State University, I was principal of my own architectural design/build firm in Austin, Texas.
